Examining the consequences of spousal abuse
Every day, people across the country are subjected to abuse at the hands of their marital partner. Sadly, spousal abuse has shattered many lives in the San Diego area as well and our law firm believes that abuse needs to be addressed promptly. In some instances, victims’ lives may be in danger, and even when abuse is not life-threatening it can lead to many harsh consequences for victims and their loved ones. If you have experienced domestic violence, it is essential to know which options are available and stand up for your rights.
First of all, spousal abuse can have serious physical consequences that are immediately clear. For example, a victim may have a number of bruises, or they may even struggle with broken bones, brain trauma, and lacerations or burns. Aside from the physical toll of spousal abuse, the emotional toll can be unbearable. Victims may be afraid to do anything about the mistreatment and they may wrongly believe that there are no options for them or that they will never be able to hold their abuser accountable. Sadly, some people continue to experience spousal abuse because they remain silent or do not realize their legal options.
The physical and emotional consequences of domestic violence can be staggering, but victims may also face financial hardships. For example, a spousal abuse victim may miss work, be prompted to quit their job altogether or even be subjected to financial abuse by their partner. All forms of domestic violence are unacceptable, and our law office is committed to helping people in this position understand their options.